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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


Configure a user accounts for read privileges

Configure user accounts with read privileges before users can access an access point. User access privileges (such as read, or write) for files and directories that are under an access point are governed by the OneFS system ACLs and permissions. Users privileges to an access point can be modified, however, the read privilege must be given to a user, or the user cannot access the access point.


  1. Create a user account by running the following command, where user1 is the new user account name:
    isi auth users create user1 --password user1 --home-directory /ifs/home/user1 --password-expires no
  2. Grant users read-privilege to a OneFS access point through by applying the PUT method to the URI.
    In the following example, user1 is granted access to the ifs-ap1 access point by modifying the ACL read-privilege on the access point.
    PUT /namespace/ifs-ap1?acl&nsaccess=true HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHN1c2FtZQ==
    Content-Length: 140
    {"authoritative":"acl", "acl":[{"trustee": {"name":"user1","type":"user"}, "accesstype":"allow", "accessrights":["file_read"], "op":"add"}]}'

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