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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.13 Cyber Recovery User Guide

Logging in to the Cyber Recovery UI

Log in to the Cyber Recovery UI to display the Cyber Recovery UI dashboard and perform Cyber Recovery UI operations.

About this task

Users that are assigned the security officer or admin roles can perform tasks in Cyber Recovery. A dashboard user can only view the dashboard but cannot perform any tasks.


  1. Open a supported browser and go to https://<host>:14777, where <host> is the hostname of the management host where the Cyber Recovery software is installed.
    The Cyber Recovery software supports the Chrome and Firefox browsers. For the most current information, see the PowerProtect Cyber Recovery Simple Support Matrix.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Click Log In.
    1. If you enabled multifactor authentication, enter the security code in the Security Code field.
      NOTE: Multifactor authentication is a time-based security mechanism. The Cyber Recovery host time cannot differ from the authenticator time by more than one minute (plus or minus). If the time differs by more than +60 seconds or -60 seconds, multifactor authentication is not enabled. For more information, see Enabling multifactor authentication.
      The What's New in Cyber Recovery window, which lists new Cyber Recovery features, is displayed for all users except dashboard users.
    2. To hide this window for subsequent logins, swipe right on the slider at the bottom of the window.
      The What's New in Cyber Recovery window is displayed after a fresh installation of the Cyber Recovery software or an update to version 19.13.
    3. To access this window again, click Masthead icon with the information symbol. on the masthead navigation.


The Cyber Recovery dashboard is displayed.

NOTE: For enhanced security, log out of the Cyber Recovery UI when you have completed your Cyber Recovery session.

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