Create a system sandbox to perform data analysis or validation operations.
About this task
You can create sandboxes as needed for data analysis or validation operations. The
CyberSense, which analyzes backup data for the presence of malware or other anomalies, requires a sandbox.
From the
Main Menu, click
On the
Recovery content pane, click
Copies and select a PIT copy from the list.
In the Sandbox dialog box:
Select an application host that is configured in the
Cyber Recovery vault.
Enter a unique sandbox name.
cr prefix is appended to the custom sandbox name. For example, if you enter
MySandbox, the sandbox name displays as
Indicate if you want to mount the file system. Enter where you want to mount the data if you do not want to use the default.
NOTE: Cyber Recovery supports mount operations for UNIX operating systems only. The host is available by using SSH.
This step starts a job. A message indicates that the job has started and provides a link to the appropriate Jobs page with the job details.
From the
Recovery content pane, click
View the list of sandboxes.
The row does not show child sandboxes that are associated with a
PowerProtect Data Manager sandbox. The
Details pane provides information about child copies, as described in the following step.
To view details about a sandbox, click the sandbox's row.
Details pane displays the information.
NOTE: If you ran an Analyze operation, there is a link for the CyberSense host.
To remove a sandbox, select a sandbox and then click
When you delete a
PowerProtect Data Manager sandbox that has associated child sandboxes, those child sandboxes are also deleted.
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