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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.13 Cyber Recovery User Guide

Management tools

The Cyber Recovery solution provides a web-based UI, API, and CLI.

Cyber Recovery UI
The web-based Cyber Recovery UI is the primary management and monitoring tool. It enables users to define and run policies, monitor operations, troubleshoot problems, and verify outcomes.
NOTE: To access the Cyber Recovery UI, go to https://<hostname>:14777, where <hostname> is the hostname of the management host.
Cyber Recovery REST API
The Cyber Recovery REST API provides a predefined set of operations that administer and manage tasks over HTTPS. Use the REST API to create a custom client application or to integrate Cyber Recovery functionality into an existing application.
NOTE: To access the Cyber Recovery REST API documentation, go to https://<hostname>:14780, where <hostname> is the hostname of the management host.
Cyber Recovery command-line interface
The Cyber Recovery CLI (CRCLI) is a command-line alternative to the Cyber Recovery UI.
NOTE: Detailed information about the CRCLI is beyond the scope of this document. Use the crcli help command to view the help system or see the Dell PowerProtect Cyber Recovery Command-Line Interface Reference Guide, which provides comprehensive information about the CRCLI.

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