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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.13 Cyber Recovery User Guide

Managing generated reports

The Generated Reports page lists the reports that have run either as scheduled reports or on-demand reports.


A report has been run.


  1. From the Main Menu, click Reports > Generated Reports.
    The page lists scheduled and on-demand reports that have been run.
  2. To download a report:
    1. Select a report.
      You cannot download a report with the Failed status.
    2. Click Download.
  3. To run a report again:
    1. Select a report.
      You can select only one report at a time. The status of the report can be either Successful or Failed.
    2. Click Run Now.
    3. For reports that were created as on-demand reports, the Run Report Now pane is displayed. If necessary, modify the report configuration and click Generate.
      For scheduled reports, go to the next substep.
    4. Click View Report in the informational message to see the generated report.
    The Generated Reports page lists all the reports that were run again.
  4. To delete a generated report:
    1. Select one report, select multiple reports, or click to select all reports on the current page or all pages.
    2. Click Delete.
    3. Click Continue to confirm that you want to delete the report or reports.
  5. To manage or see more information:
    1. At the upper right, click:
      • All to display all reports
      • Scheduled to display only reports that were scheduled
      • On Demand to display only reports that were run on demand
    2. Click to sort the information in each column.
    3. Click Clear Filters to remove all filters or click X next to a specific filter to remove that filter.
    4. Click to show or hide columns on the page.
    5. Click the report name for options to download, delete, or to display details for the report.
    6. Click a row to open the Details pane to view the creation date, creator, error message, checksum, delivery configuration, and so on. To close the details pane, click .
    7. For the report schedule that was used to generate a report, click the link in the Schedule column to go to the Scheduled Reports page.

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