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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

Accessing system information by using QRL

You can use the Quick Resource Locator (QRL) to get immediate access to the information about your system.


Ensure that your smartphone or tablet has the QR code scanner installed.

About this task

The QRL includes the following information about your system:
  • How-to videos
  • Reference materials, including the Owner’s Manual, LCD diagnostics, and mechanical overview
  • Your system service tag to quickly access your specific hardware configuration and warranty information
  • A direct link to Dell to contact technical support and sales teams


  1. Go to Dell.com/QRL and navigate to your specific product or
  2. Use your smartphone or tablet to scan the model-specific Quick Resource (QR) code located in the following image or on your Dell PowerEdge system:
    This figure shows the QRL for R230 systems.

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