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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

Setup menu

NOTE: : When you select an option in the Setup menu, you must confirm the option before proceeding to the next action.

Select DHCP or Static IP to configure the network mode. If Static IP is selected, the available fields are IP, Subnet (Sub), and Gateway (Gtw). Select Setup DNS to enable DNS and to view domain addresses. Two separate DNS entries are available.
Set error
Select SEL to view LCD error messages in a format that matches the IPMI description in the SEL. This enables you to match an LCD message with an SEL entry.

Select Simple to view LCD error messages in a simplified user-friendly description. For more information about error messages, see the Dell Event and Error Messages Reference Guide at Dell.com/openmanagemanuals > OpenManage software.

Set home
Select the default information to be displayed on the Home screen. See View menu section for the options and option items that can be set as the default on the Home screen.

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