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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

View menu

NOTE: : When you select an option in the View menu, you must confirm the option before proceeding to the next action.

Displays the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses for iDRAC8. Addresses include DNS (Primary and Secondary), Gateway, IP, and Subnet (IPv6 does not have Subnet).
Displays the MAC addresses for iDRAC, iSCSI, or Network devices.
Displays the name of the Host, Model, or User String for the system.
Displays the Asset tag or the Service tag for the system.
Displays the power output of the system in BTU/hr or Watts. The display format can be configured in the Set home submenu of the Setup menu.
Displays the temperature of the system in Celsius or Fahrenheit. The display format can be configured in the Set home submenu of the Setup menu.

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