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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

Restoring the Service Tag by using the Easy Restore feature

By using the Easy Restore feature, you can restore your Service Tag, license, UEFI configuration, and the system configuration data after replacing the system board. All data is automatically backed up in a backup flash device. If BIOS detects a new system board and the Service Tag in the backup flash device, BIOS prompts the user to restore the backup information.


  1. Turn on the system.
    If BIOS detects a new system board, and if the Service Tag is present in the backup flash device, BIOS displays the Service Tag, the status of the license, and the UEFI Diagnostics version.
  2. Perform one of the following steps:
    • Press Y to restore the Service Tag, license, and diagnostics information.
    • Press N to navigate to the Dell Lifecycle Controller based restore options.
    • Press F10 to restore data from a previously created Hardware Server Profile.
    After the restore process is complete, BIOS prompts to restore the system configuration data.
  3. Perform one of the following steps:
    • Press Y to restore the system configuration data.
    • Press N to use the default configuration settings.
    After the restore process is complete, the system restarts.

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