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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

Installing the processor


CAUTION: : Many repairs may only be done by a certified service technician. You should only perform troubleshooting and simple repairs as authorized in your product documentation, or as directed by the online or telephone service and support team. Damage due to servicing that is not authorized by Dell is not covered by your warranty. Read and follow the safety instructions that are shipped with your product.

NOTE: : This is a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU). Removal and installation procedures should be performed only by Dell certified service technicians.

  1. Ensure that you follow the Safety instructions.
  2. If you are upgrading your system, download the latest system BIOS version from Dell.com/support and follow the instructions included in the compressed download file to install the update on your system.

    NOTE: : You can update the system BIOS by using the Dell Lifecycle Controller.

  3. Follow the procedure listed in Before working inside your system.
  4. Remove the cooling shroud.


  1. Unpack the new processor.
    If the processor has previously been used in a system, remove any remaining thermal grease from the processor by using a lint free cloth.
  2. Locate the processor socket.

    CAUTION: : While removing or reinstalling the processor, wipe your hands of any contaminants. Contaminants on the processor contacts such as thermal grease or oil can damage the processor.

  3. Align the processor with the socket keys.

    CAUTION: : Do not use force to seat the processor. When the processor is positioned correctly, it engages easily into the socket.

    CAUTION: : Positioning the processor incorrectly can permanently damage the system board or the processor. Be careful not to bend the pins in the socket.

  4. Align the pin-1 indicator of the processor with the triangle on the socket.
  5. Place the processor on the socket such that the slots on the processor align with the socket keys.
  6. Close the processor shield by sliding it under the retention screw.
  7. Lower the socket lever and push it under the tab to lock it.
    Figure 1. Opening and closing the processor shield
    This figure shows opening and closing the processor shield.
    1. processor shield
    2. tab on the processor shield
    3. socket lever
    Figure 2. Installing a processor
    This figure shows installing a processor.
    1. pin-1 indicator of processor
    2. processor
    3. slot (2)
    4. processor shield
    5. socket lever
    6. socket keys (2)
    7. socket

Next steps

NOTE: : Ensure that you install the heat sink after you install the processor. The heat sink is necessary to maintain proper thermal conditions.

  1. Install the heat sink.
  2. Follow the procedure listed in After working inside your system.
  3. While booting, press F2 to enter System Setup and check that the processor information matches the new system configuration.
  4. Run the system diagnostics to verify that the new processor operates correctly.

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