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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

Installing the system cover


  1. Follow the safety guidelines listed in the Safety instructions section.
  2. Follow the procedure listed in the Before working inside your system section.
  3. Ensure that all internal cables are connected and placed out of the way, and no tools or extra parts are left inside the system.


  1. Align the slots on the system cover with the tabs on the chassis.
  2. Push the system cover latch down.
    The system cover slides forward and the slots on the system cover engage with the tabs on the chassis. The system cover latch locks into place when the system cover is completely engaged with the tabs on the chassis.
  3. Rotate the latch release lock clockwise to the locked position.
    Figure 1. Installing the system cover
    This image shows Installing the system cover
    1. latch release lock
    2. latch
    3. system cover

Next steps

  1. If removed, install the front bezel.
  2. Reconnect the peripherals and connect the system to the electrical outlet.
  3. Turn on the system, including any attached peripherals.
  4. Follow the procedure listed in the After working inside your system section.

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