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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

General memory module installation guidelines

Your system supports Flexible Memory Configuration, enabling the system to be configured and run in any valid chipset architectural configuration. The following are the recommended guidelines for installing memory modules:
  • x4 and x8 DRAM-based DIMMs can be mixed.
  • Up to two dual- or single-rank ECC UDIMMs can be populated per channel.
  • Populate DIMM sockets only if a processor is installed. For single-processor systems, sockets A1 to A4 are available.
  • Populate all sockets with white release levers first, and then all the sockets with black release levers.
  • When mixing memory modules with different capacities, populate the sockets with memory modules with the highest capacity first. For example, if you want to mix 4 GB and 8 GB DIMMs, populate 8 GB DIMMs in the sockets with white release levers and 4 GB DIMMs in the sockets with black release levers.
  • Memory modules of different capacities can be mixed provided other memory population rules are followed (for example, 4 GB and 8 GB memory modules can be mixed).
  • Mixing of more than two DIMM capacities in a system is not supported.
  • Populate two DIMMs per processor (one DIMM per channel) at a time to maximize performance.

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