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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

System BIOS Settings details

About this task

The System BIOS Settings screen details are explained as follows:

System Information
Specifies information about the system such as the system model name, BIOS version, and Service Tag.
Memory Settings
Specifies information and options related to the installed memory.
Processor Settings
Specifies information and options related to the processor such as speed and cache size.
SATA Settings
Specifies options to enable or disable the integrated SATA controller and ports.
Boot Settings
Specifies options to specify the boot mode (BIOS or UEFI). Enables you to modify UEFI and BIOS boot settings.
Network Settings
Specifies options to change the network settings.
Integrated Devices
Specifies options to manage integrated device controllers and ports and specify related features and options.
Serial Communication
Specifies options to manage the serial ports and specify related features and options.
System Profile Settings
Specifies options to change the processor power management settings, memory frequency, and so on.
System Security
Specifies options to configure the system security settings, such as system password, setup password, Trusted Platform Module (TPM) security. It also manages the power and NMI buttons on the system.
Miscellaneous Settings
Specifies options to change the system date, time, and so on.

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