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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

Removing a memory module


  1. Follow the safety guidelines listed in the Safety instructions section.
  2. Follow the procedure listed in the Before working inside your system section.
  3. Remove the cooling shroud.

NOTE: : The memory modules are hot to touch for some time after the system has been powered down. Allow the memory modules to cool before handling them. Handle the memory modules by the card edges and avoid touching the components or metallic contacts on the memory module.


  1. Locate the appropriate memory module socket.
  2. To release the memory module from the socket, simultaneously press the ejectors on both ends of the memory module socket.

    CAUTION: : Handle each memory module only by the card edges, ensuring not to touch the middle of the memory module or metallic contacts.

  3. Lift the memory module away from the chassis.
    Figure 1. Removing the memory module
    This figure shows removing a memory module.
    1. memory module
    2. memory module socket
    3. memory module ejector (2)

Next steps

  1. Install the memory module.
  2. Install the cooling shroud.

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