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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

Removing a hot swappable hard drive carrier


  1. Follow the safety guidelines listed in the Safety instructions section.
  2. If installed, remove the front bezel.
  3. Using the management software, prepare the hard drive for removal. For more information, see the documentation for the storage controller.

    If the hard drive is online, the green activity or fault indicator flashes when the hard drive is turned off. You can remove the hard drive when the hard drive indicators turn off.

CAUTION: : To prevent data loss, ensure that your operating system supports hot-swap drive installation. See the documentation supplied with your operating system.

NOTE: : Hot swappable hard drives are supplied in hot swappable hard drive carriers that fit in the hard drive slots.


  1. To open the hard drive carrier release handle, press the release button.
  2. Slide the hard drive carrier out of the hard drive slot.

    CAUTION: : To maintain proper system cooling, all empty hard drive slots must have hard drive carrier blanks installed.

    Figure 1. Removing a hot swappable hard drive or SSD
    This figure shows removing a hot swappable hard drive or SSD.
    1. release button
    2. hard drive carrier
    3. hard drive carrier handle

Next steps

  1. If you are not replacing the hard drive immediately, insert a hard drive carrier blank in the empty hard drive slot, or install a hard drive carrier.
  2. If removed, install the front bezel.

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