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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

iDRAC port card (optional)

The iDRAC port card consists of a SD vFlash card slot and an iDRAC port. The iDRAC port card is used for advanced management of the system. An SD vFlash card is a Secure Digital (SD) card that plugs into the SD vFlash card slot in the system. It provides persistent on-demand local storage and a custom deployment environment that allows automation of server configuration, scripts, and imaging. It emulates USB device(s). For more information, see the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller User's Guide at Dell.com/esmmanuals.

The iDRAC port card consists of the SD vFlash card slot and an iDRAC port. The iDRAC port card features a dedicated NIC port and is used for remote, advanced management of the system through the network.

An SD vFlash card is a Secure Digital (SD) card that plugs into the SD vFlash card slot in the iDRAC port card. It provides persistent on-demand local storage and a custom deployment environment that enables automation of server configuration, scripts, and imaging. It emulates a USB device. For more information, see the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller User's Guide at Dell.com/idracmanuals.

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