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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

Expansion card installation guidelines

Your system supports Generation 3 cards. The following table provides riser configurations.

Table 1. Expansion card slots available on the expansion card riserThe PCIe slot 1 on the expansion card riser is mapped to the processor. This slot supports half height, half length x4 expansion cards. This is an x8 slot. The PCIe slot 2 on the expansion card riser is mapped to processor. This slot supports full height, half length x8 expansion cards. This is an x16 slot
PCIe slot on the expansion card riser Height Length Link width Slot width
1 Half height Half length x4 x8
2 Full height Half length x8 x16

NOTE: : The expansion cards are not hot swappable.

The following table is a guide for installing expansion cards to ensure proper cooling and mechanical fit. The expansion cards with the highest priority must be installed first using the slot priority indicated. All other expansion cards must be installed in card priority and slot priority order.

Table 2. Expansion card installation order1. Card priority 1 is assigned to PowerEdge RAID Controller (PERC) H730 (full height). The slot priority for PERC H730 (full height) is 2 and supports a maximum of 1 card. 2. Card priority 2 is assigned to PERC H730P (low profile). The slot priority for PERC H730P (low profile) is 1 and supports a maximum of 1 card. 3. Card priority 3 is assigned to PERC H330 (full height). The slot priority for PERC H330 (full height) is 2 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 4. Card priority 4 is assigned to PERC H330 (low profile). The slot priority for PERC H330 (low profile) is 1 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 5. Card priority 5 is assigned to PERC H830 (full height). The slot priority for PERC H830 (full height) is 2 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 6. Card priority 6 is assigned to PERC H830 (low profile). The slot priority for PERC H830 (low profile) is 1 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 7. Card priority 7 is assigned to 1 Gb NIC (full height). The slot priority for 1 Gb NIC (full height) is 2 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 8. Card priority 8 is assigned to 1 Gb NIC (low profile). The slot priority for 1 Gb NIC (low profile) is 1 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 9. Card priority 9 is assigned to 1 Gb NIC (Broadcom quad port). The slot priority for 1 Gb NIC (Broadcom quad port) is 2 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 10. Card priority 10 is assigned to 1 Gb NIC (Broadcom low profile). The slot priority for 1 Gb NIC (Broadcom low profile) is 1 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 11. Card priority 11 is assigned to 1 Gb NIC (Intel dual port). The slot priority for 1 Gb NIC (Intel dual port) is 2 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 12. Card priority 12 is assigned to 1 Gb NIC (Intel dual port, low profile). The slot priority for 1 Gb NIC (Intel dual port, low profile) is 1 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 13. Card priority 13 is assigned to 1 Gb NIC (Intel dual port, low profile). The slot priority for 1 Gb NIC (Intel dual port, low profile) is 1 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 14. Card priority 14 is assigned to 1 Gb NIC (Broadcom dual port, low profile). The slot priority for 1 Gb NIC (Broadcom dual port, low profile) is 1 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 15. Card priority 15 is assigned to 12 Gb SAS (full height). The slot priority for 12 Gb SAS (full height) is 1 and a supports a maximum of 1 card. 16. Card priority 16 is assigned to 12 Gb SAS (low profile). The slot priority for 12 Gb SAS (low profile) is 1 and a supports a maximum of 1 card.
Card priority Card type Slot priority Maximum allowed
1 PowerEdge RAID Controller (PERC) H730 (full height) 2 1
2 PERC H730P (low profile) 1 1
3 PERC H330 (full height) 2 1
4 PERC H330 (low profile) 1 1
5 PERC H830 (full height) 2 1
6 PERC H830 (low profile) 1 1
7 1 Gb NIC (full height) 2 1
8 1 Gb NIC (low profile) 1 1
9 1 Gb NIC (Broadcom quad port) 2 1
10 1 Gb NIC (Broadcom low profile) 1 1
11 1 Gb NIC (Intel dual port) 2 1
12 1 Gb NIC (Intel dual port, low profile) 1 1
13 1 Gb NIC (Broadcom dual port) 2 1
14 1 Gb NIC (Broadcom dual port, low profile) 1 1
15 12 Gb SAS (full height) 2 1
16 12 Gb SAS (low profile) 1 1

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