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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

iDRAC Direct LED indicator codes

The iDRAC Direct LED indicator lights up to indicate that the port is connected and is being used as a part of the iDRAC subsystem.

NOTE: : The iDRAC Direct LED indicator does not turn on when the USB port is used in the USB mode.

  1. iDRAC Direct status indicator

The iDRAC Direct LED indicator table describes iDRAC Direct activity when configuring iDRAC Direct by using the management port (USB XML Import).

Table 1. iDRAC Direct LED indicators
Convention iDRAC Direct LED indicator pattern Condition
A Green Turns green for a minimum of two seconds to indicate the start and end of a file transfer.
B Flashing green Indicates file transfer or any operation tasks.
C Green and turns off Indicates that the file transfer is complete.
D Not lit Indicates that the USB is ready to be removed or that a task is complete.

The following table describes iDRAC Direct activity when configuring iDRAC Direct by using your laptop and cable (Laptop Connect):

Table 2. iDRAC Direct LED indicator patterns
iDRAC Direct LED indicator pattern Condition
Solid green for two seconds Indicates that the laptop is connected.
Flashing green (on for two seconds and off for two seconds)  Indicates that the laptop connected is recognized.
Turns off Indicates that the laptop is unplugged.

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