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Dell PowerEdge R230 Owner's Manual

LCD panel features

The system's LCD panel provides system information and status and error messages to indicate if the system is operating correctly or if the system needs attention. For more information about the error messages, see the Dell Event and Error Messages Reference Guide at Dell.com/openmanagemanuals > OpenManage software.
  • The LCD backlight turns blue during normal operating conditions and turns amber to indicate an error condition.
  • The LCD backlight is turned off when the system is in standby mode and can be turned on by pressing either the Select, Left, or Right button on the LCD panel.
  • The LCD backlight remains OFF if LCD messaging is turned off through the iDRAC utility, the LCD panel, or other tools.
Figure 1. LCD panel Features
The figure shows the LCD panel features.
  1. Left
  2. Select
  3. Right
Moves the cursor back in one-step increments.
Selects the menu item highlighted by the cursor.
Moves the cursor forward in one-step increments.
During message scrolling:
  • Press once to increase scrolling speed
  • Press again to stop
  • Press again to return to the default scrolling speed
  • Press again to repeat the cycle

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