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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

About Deployment Wizard

About this task

The Deployment Wizard describes the deployment process, which is as follows:
  • Selecting compliant bare-metal servers.
  • Selecting a deployment template, which consists of hardware and hypervisor profiles.
  • Selecting the installation target (hard disk or iDSDM).

    When you deploy hypervisor, you can deploy to an Internal Dual SD Module. The Internal Dual SD Module should be enabled from BIOS, before you deploy a hypervisor with OMIVV.

  • Selecting the connection profile to be associated with the host.
  • Assigning the network details for each host.
  • Selecting the vCenter, destination data center or cluster, and an optional host profile.
  • Scheduling the server deployment jobs to run.
NOTE: If you’re deploying a hardware profile only, then the Server Identification, Connection Profile, network detail options of the deployment wizard are skipped and you directly go to the Schedule Deployment page.
NOTE: For trial/evaluation license, you can use Deployment Wizard as long as the license does not expire.

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