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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Overriding severity of health update notification

You can configure to override the system severity of the Dell host and chassis components with customized severity, which is aligned to your environment. The default severity is same as the system severity.

About this task

The following are the severity levels:
  • Info
  • Moderately Degraded
  • Severely Degraded
NOTE: You cannot customize the severity of components with the Info severity level.


  1. In OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, from the Manage tab, click Proactive HA Configuration > Proactive HA Events.
  2. In the Proactive HA Events page, view the iDRAC and CMC information for the list of the Dell host and chassis components.
    The upper and lower data grids display all the poll and Proactive HA events that include events id, event description, current system severity, and override severity of the host and chassis components.
    NOTE: The severity of the IDSDM component cannot be customized, and therefore IDSDM is not displayed in the event list.
  3. To change severity of a host or chassis component, in the Override Severity column, select the desired status from the drop-down list.
  4. Repeat step 6 for all the events that must be customized.
  5. Perform any one of the following actions:
    1. To save the customization, click Apply Changes.
    2. To revert the overridden severity after selecting a severity level, click Cancel.
    3. To apply the default severity to the overridden severity, click Reset To Default Severity.

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