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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Setting up OMSA trap destination

About this task

All 11th generation of hosts must have OMSA configured.
NOTE: OMSA is only required for the Dell servers earlier than 12th generation Dell PowerEdge servers.
To set up an OMSA trap destination:


  1. Navigate to the OMSA agent from a web browser by providing the https://<HostIP>:1311/ as its URL.
  2. Log in to the interface, and select the Alert Management tab.
  3. Select Alert Actions and make sure that any events to be monitored have the Broadcast Message option set, so that the events are posted.
  4. Select the Platform Events option at the top of the tab.
  5. Click the grey Configure Destinations button, and click the Destination link.
  6. Select the Enable Destination check box.
  7. Enter the OMIVV appliance IP address in the Destination IP Address field.
  8. Click Apply Changes.
  9. Repeat step 1 to step 8 to configure extra events.

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