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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Creating hypervisor profile


To deploy and configure ESXi to a server, create a hypervisor profile. A hypervisor profile requires the following information:
  • A Dell customized ISO software media location on an NFS or CIFS share
  • A vCenter instance that manages the deployed hosts, and an optional host profile
  • The destination cluster or data center where the plug-in deploys servers in vCenter


  1. In OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Manage > Deployment tab, select Deployment Templates > Hypervisor Profiles.
  2. In the Hypervisor Profiles page, click the Create a new Hypervisor Profile icon.
  3. In the Hypervisor Profile dialog box, do the following subtasks:
    • In the Profile Name text box, enter the profile name.
    • In the Description text box, enter description, which is an optional entry.
  4. Under Choose the Reference ISO Path and Version, in the Installation Source (ISO) text box, type the path to the hypervisor share location.
    A copy of the hypervisor image is modified to permit a scripted installation. The reference ISO location can be in one of the following formats:
    • NFS format: host:/share/hypervisor.iso
    • CIFS format: \\host\share\hypervisor.iso
    If using a CIFS share, enter the User Name, Password, and Verify Password. Ensure that the passwords match.
  5. In the Select a version list, select an ESXi version.
    All servers deployed using this hypervisor profile has this image, and if the servers are from versions earlier than 12th generation, the latest recommended version of OMSA is also installed.
  6. To verify the path and authentication, click Begin Test under Test Settings.
  7. Click Apply.

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