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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Configuring events and alarms

You can configure events and alarms by using the Initial Configuration Wizard or from the Settings tab for events and alarms. To receive events from the servers, OMIVV is configured as trap destination. For 12th generation hosts and later, ensure that the SNMP trap destination is set in iDRAC. For hosts earlier than 12th generation, ensure that the trap destination is set in OMSA.

About this task

NOTE: OMIVV supports SNMP v1 and v2 alerts for 12th generation hosts and later and supports only SNMP v1 alerts for hosts earlier than 12th generation.


  1. In the Initial Configuration Wizard, under Event Posting Levels, select one of the following:
    • Do not post any events—block hardware events
    • Post all events—post all hardware events
    • Post only Critical and Warning events—post only critical or warning level hardware events
    • Post only Virtualization-Related Critical and Warning Events—post only virtualization-related critical and warning event, which is the default event posting level
  2. To enable all hardware alarms and events, select Enable Alarms for Dell Hosts.
    NOTE: The Dell hosts that have alarms enabled respond to some specific critical events by entering in to maintenance mode and you can modify the alarm, when required.
    The Enabling Dell Alarm Warning dialog box is displayed.
  3. To accept the change, click Continue, or to cancel the change, click Cancel.
    NOTE: Ensure that you complete this step only if you select Enable Alarms For Dell Hosts.
  4. To restore the default vCenter alarm settings for all managed Dell servers, click Restore Default Alarms.
    It might take up to a minute before the change takes effect.
    NOTE: After restoring the appliance, the events and alarms settings are not enabled even if the GUI shows as enabled. You can enable the Events and Alarms settings again from the Settings tab.
  5. Click Apply.

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