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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Data integrity

The communication between the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, Administration Console, and vCenter is accomplished by using SSL/HTTPS. The OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter generates an SSL certificate that is used for trusted communication between vCenter and the appliance. It also verifies and trusts the vCenter server's certificate before communication and the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter registration. The console tab of OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter uses security procedures to avoid improper requests while the keys are transferred back and forth from the Administration Console and back-end services. This type of security causes cross-sites request forgeries to fail.

A secure Administration Console session has a 5-minutes idle time-out, and the session is only valid in the current browser window and/or tab. If you try to open the session in a new window or tab, a security error is prompted that asks for a valid session. This action also prevents the user from clicking any malicious URL that can attack the Administration Console session.

Figure 1. Security error message
This image represents a security error message

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