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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Performance during connection profile test credentials is slow or unresponsive

About this task

The iDRAC on a server has only one user (for example, only root) and the user is in a disabled state, or all users are in a disabled state. Communicating to a server in a disabled state causes delays. To fix this issue, you can either fix the disable state of the server, or reset iDRAC on the server to re-enable the root user to default setting.

To fix a server in a disabled state:


  1. Open the Chassis Management Controller console, and select the disabled server.
  2. To automatically open the iDRAC console, click Launch iDRAC GUI.
  3. Navigate to the user list in the iDRAC console, and click one of the following:
    • iDRAC6: Select iDRAC settings > Network/Security tab > Users tab.
    • iDRAC7: Select iDRAC settings > Users tab.
    • iDRAC8: Select iDRAC settings > Users tab.
  4. To edit the settings, in the User ID column, click the link for the admin (root) user.
  5. Click Configure User, and then click Next.
  6. In the User Configuration page for the selected user, select the check box next to Enable user, and then click Apply.

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