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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Provisioning service location

Use the following options to obtain the provisioning service location by iDRAC during auto discovery:
  • Manually specified in the iDRAC—manually specify the location in the iDRAC configuration utility under LAN User Configuration, Provisioning Server.
  • DHCP scope option—specify the location by using a DHCP scope option.
  • DNS service record—specify the location by using a DNS service record.
  • DNS known name—DNS server specifies the IP address for a server with the known name DCIMCredentialServer.

If the provisioning service value is not manually specified in the iDRAC console, iDRAC attempts to use the DHCP scope option value. If the DHCP scope option is not present, iDRAC attempts to use the service record value from DNS.

For detailed information about how to configure the DHCP scope option and DNS service record, see Dell Auto-Discovery Network Setup Specification at http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/extras/m/white_papers/20178466.

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