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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Upgrading OMIVV from existing version to current version


  1. In the APPLIANCE MANAGEMENT page, depending on your network settings, enable proxy and provide proxy settings if your network needs proxy. See Setting up HTTP proxy.
  2. To upgrade the OpenManage Integration plug in from an existing version to the current version, perform one of the following steps:
  3. Compare the available virtual appliance version and current virtual appliance version and ensure that the available virtual appliance version is greater than the current virtual appliance version.
  4. To apply the update to the virtual appliance, under Appliance Settings, click Update Virtual Appliance.
  5. In the UPDATE APPLIANCE dialog box, click Update.
    After you click Update, you are logged off from the ADMINISTRATION CONSOLE window.
  6. Close the web browser.


NOTE: After the RPM upgrade is complete, you can view the login screen in the OMIVV console. Open a browser, provide the https:\\<ApplianceIP|hostname> link, and navigate to the APPLIANCE UPDATE area. You can verify that the available and current virtual appliance versions are same.

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