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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide


All auto/manually discovered complaint bare-metal systems are available to OMIVV for hardware provisioning and hypervisor deployment. To prepare for provisioning and deployment, do the following:

Table 1. Preparing for deploymentThis table provides information about preparing for deployment.
Steps Description
Create a hardware profile Contains the hardware settings gathered from a reference server that is used to deploy new servers. See Customizing reference server to create hardware profile.
Create a hypervisor profile Contains the hypervisor installation information needed for ESXi deployment. See Creating a hypervisor profile.
Create a deployment template Optionally contains a hypervisor profile, or both hardware and hypervisor profiles. You can save and reuse these profiles as needed for all available data center servers.
NOTE: Only hardware profile deployment is not supported.

Once the deployment template is created, use the deployment wizard to gather the information necessary to create a scheduled job that provisions server hardware and deploys new hosts in vCenter. For information about running the deployment wizard, see Running the deployment wizard. Lastly, view the job status through job queue and change the pending deployment jobs.

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