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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Buying and uploading software license

You are running a trial license until you upgrade to a full product version. Use the Buy License link from the product to navigate to the Dell website and buy a license. After you buy it, upload it using the Administration Console.

About this task

NOTE: The Buy License option is displayed only if you are using a trial license.


  1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, perform one of the following tasks:
    • In the Licensing tab, next to Software License, click Buy License.
    • In the Getting Started tab, under Basic Tasks, click Buy License.
  2. Save the license file to a known location that you had downloaded from the Dell Digital store.
  3. In a web browser, type the Administration Console URL.
    Use the format: https://<ApplianceIPAddress>
  4. In the Administration Console login window, type the password and click Login.
  5. Click Upload license.
  6. In the Upload License window, to navigate to the license file, click Browse.
  7. Select the license file, and then click Upload.


NOTE: The license file might be packaged inside a .zip file. Ensure that you unzip the .zip file and upload only the license .xml file. The license file is likely to be named based on your order number, such as 123456789.xml.

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