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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Reporting and fixing compliance for bare-metal servers


A bare-metal server is noncompliant when:
  • It is not a supported server.
  • It does not have a supported iDRAC license (iDRAC Express is the minimum requirement).
  • It does not have supported versions of iDRAC, BIOS, or LC.
  • LOM or rNDC is not present.

About this task

To view and fix the list of noncompliant bare-metal servers:


  1. In OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, select the Manage > Deployment tab.
    1. In the Bare Metal Servers page, view the list of noncompliant servers.
      A table is displayed that lists the noncompliant servers along with the Service Tag, model, iDRAC IP, server status, compliance status, and the iDRAC license status.
    2. To view further details of a server, select a noncompliant server.
    3. To export the noncomplaint information of a server to a .CSV file, in the right-hand corner of the table, click the Export All icon.
    4. To filter the content of the data grid, click the Filter field.
    5. To swap the columns within the table, drag and drop columns within the data grid.
  2. To fix noncomplaint servers, click Fix non-compliant servers.
  3. In the Fix bare metal Compliance wizard, click Next in the Welcome page.
  4. In the Fix Compliance page, select the check boxes for the servers you want to fix.
    The noncomplaint servers are listed and the firmware component for which it is noncompliant is displayed. The listed noncompliant servers requires updating at least one of the following firmware components:
    • iDRAC IP
      NOTE: From OMIVV, you cannot fix bare-metal servers where the iDRAC licenses are noncompliant. Ensure that you upload supported iDRAC license to those servers outside OMIVV, and then click Recheck Licensed Server. See Rechecking bare-metal server compliance.
    • BIOS
    • LC
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Summary window, review the actions that take place on the firmware components of noncompliant bare-metal servers.
  7. Click Finish.

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