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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Deploying OMSA agent on ESXi system

About this task

Install the OMSA VIB on an ESXi system to gather inventory and alert information from the systems.

NOTE: OpenManage agents are required on Dell hosts that are earlier than Dell PowerEdge 12th generation servers. Install OMSA by using OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter or install OMSA manually to hosts before installing OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter. The details of manually installing the OMSA agents are available at http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/systems-management/w/wiki/1760.openmanage-server-administrator-omsa.aspx


  1. If OMSA is not installed, install the vSphere command line tool (vSphere CLI) from http://www.vmware.com.
  2. Enter the following command:
    Vihostupdate.pl -server <IP Address of ESXi host> -i -b <OMSA version X.X>
    NOTE: It might take a few minutes for OMSA to install. This command requires you to reboot the host after it completes.

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