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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Configuring hardware profile

To configure server hardware settings, create a hardware profile. A hardware profile is a configuration template that you can apply to newly discovered infrastructure components and it requires the following information:
Table 1. Requirements for creating hardware profileThe following table details the requirements for creating a hardware profile:
Requirements Description
Boot order The boot order is the boot device sequence and hard drive sequence that you can edit only if the boot mode is set to BIOS.
BIOS settings The BIOS settings include memory, processor, SATA, integrated devices, serial communications, embedded server management, power management, system security, and miscellaneous settings.
NOTE: The OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter enables certain BIOS settings under the Processor group in the BIOS on all deployed servers, regardless of the settings on the reference server. Before using a reference server to create a hardware profile, the reference server must have the CSIOR setting enabled and rebooted to provide accurate inventory and configuration information.
iDRAC settings The iDRAC settings include network, user list, and user configuration.
RAID configuration The RAID configuration displays the current RAID topology on the reference server at the time the hardware profile was extracted.
NOTE: There are 2 RAID configuration options configured in the hardware profile:
  1. Apply RAID1 + create a dedicated hot spare, as applicable—use this option if you want to apply default RAID configuration settings to the target server.
  2. Clone RAID configuration from the reference server—use this option if you want to clone the reference server setting. See Customizing reference server for creating hardware profile.
The tasks for creating hardware profiles include:
  • Enabling CSIOR on a reference server
  • Customizing reference server to create a hardware profile
  • Cloning a hardware profile

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