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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Viewing connection profiles

A connection profile must be created and/or exist before it can be viewed. After one or more connection profiles are created, they can be viewed in the Connection Profiles page. The OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter uses the credentials provided in the profiles to communicate with Dell hosts.


  1. In OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, click Manage.
  2. Click Profiles and then click Credential Profiles.
  3. Expand Credential Profiles and click Connection Profiles tab.
    You can view all the connection profiles that you have created.
    Table 1. Connection profile informationThe table provides the following information about connection profile that you can view:
    Connection profile fields Description
    Profile Name Displays the name of the connection profile
    Description Displays a description, if provided
    vCenter Displays the FQDN or host name, or else IP address of the vCenter as per the context
    Associated Hosts Displays the hosts associated with the connection profile. If more than one, use the expand icon to display all.
    iDRAC Certificate Check Displays whether the iDRAC Certificate Check is enabled or disabled
    Host Root Certificate Check Displays whether the Host Root Certificate Check is enabled or disabled
    Date Created Displays the date when the connection profile was created
    Date Modified Displays the date when the connection profile was modified
    Last Modified By Displays the details of the user who modified the connection profile

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