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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Even if repository has bundles for selected 11G system, why is firmware update displaying that there are no bundles for firmware update?

When I add a host to the connection profile in lockdown mode, the inventory kicks off but failed stating that “No Remote Access Controller was found or Inventory is not supported on this host.” Inventory is supposed to work for a host in lockdown mode.

If you put the host in lockdown mode or remove a host from lockdown mode, ensure that you wait for 30 minutes before performing the next operation. If you use a 11G host for firmware update, the firmware update wizard does not display any bundles even if the repository has bundles for that system. This occurs because the 11G host might have not been configured for OMSA to send traps to OpenManage Integration.

Resolution: Ensure that the host is compliant by using the host compliance wizard of the OpenManage Integration web client. If it is not compliant, use the Fix Host Compliance to get it compliant.

Version Affected: 2.2 and later

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