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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Viewing warranty history

A warranty job is a scheduled task to get warranty information from Support.dell.com on all systems. You can sort the columns of the inventory view in ascending and/or descending order.

About this task

NOTE: The OMIVV appliance requires internet connectivity to extract warranty information. Ensure that the OMIVV appliance has internet connectivity. Depending on the network settings, OMIVV might require proxy information for internet reachability and fetch warranty information. The proxy details can be updated in the Administration Console. See Setting up HTTP proxy.


  1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, click the Monitor tab.
  2. Click Job Queue, and then click Warranty History.
  3. Expand Warranty History to display Hosts Warranty and Chassis Warranty.
  4. To view your corresponding warranty job history information, selectHosts Warranty, and then select a vCenter to display all associated hosts details.
    Table 1. vCenter, hosts history informationThe following table displays the vCenter, host information:
    vCenter history
    vCenters Displays lists of vCenters
    Hosts Passed Displays the number of vCenter hosts that passed
    Last Warranty Displays the date and time when the last warranty job was run
    Next Warranty Displays the date and time when the next warranty job will run
    Hosts history
    Host Displays the host address
    Status Displays the status. The options include:
    • Successful
    • Failed
    • In Progress
    • Scheduled
    Duration (MM:SS) Displays the duration of the warranty job in MM:SS
    Start Date and Time Displays the date and time when the warranty job started
    End Date and Time Displays the time the warranty job ended

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