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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Uploading HTTPS certificate


Ensure that the certificate uses PEM format.

About this task

You can use the HTTPS certificates for secure communication between the virtual appliance and host systems. To set up this type of secure communication, a CSR must be sent to a certificate authority and then the resulting certificate is uploaded using the Administration Console. There is also a default certificate that is self-signed and can be used for secure communication; this certificate is unique to every installation.
NOTE: You can use the Microsoft internet explorer, Firefox, Chrome to upload certificates.


  1. In the APPLIANCE MANAGEMENT page, click Upload Certificate in the HTTPS CERTIFICATES area.
  2. Click OK in the UPLOAD CERTIFICATE dialog box.
  3. To select the certificate to be uploaded, click Browse, and then click Upload.
  4. If you want to abort the upload, click Cancel to abort.

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