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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Viewing chassis profiles


Ensure that you create a chassis profile or a chassis profile exists before viewing.

About this task

After one or more chassis profiles are created, you can view them in the chassis profiles page.


  1. In OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, click Manage.
  2. Click Profiles, and then click Credential Profiles.
  3. Expand Credential Profiles and click the Chassis Profiles tab.
    The chassis profiles are displayed.
  4. To display all the associated chassis, click the Expand All icon, if multiple chassis are associated with the chassis profile.
  5. In the Chassis Profiles page, view the chassis information.
    Table 1. Chassis profile informationThe table provides the following information about chassis profile:
    Chassis fieldsDescription
    Profile NameDisplays the name of the chassis profile
    DescriptionDisplays a description, if provided
    Chassis IP/Host NameDisplays the IP address of the chassis or the host name
    Chassis Service TagDisplays the unique identifier assigned to a chassis
    Date ModifiedDisplays the date when the chassis profile was modified

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