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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Viewing storage details for a single host

About this task

You can view storage details for a single host on the Dell Hosts Information tab. For information to appear on this page, run an inventory job. The hardware reports data directly from OMSA and iDRAC. See Running inventory jobs. The page displays different options depending on what is selected from the View drop-down list. If you select Physical Disks, another drop-down list is displayed. The next drop-down list is called Filter and enables you to filter the physical disk options. To view the storage details:


  1. In OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, in the Navigator pane, click Hosts.
  2. In the Objects tab, select the specific host for which you want to view Storage: Physical Disk details.
  3. In the Monitor tab, select the Dell Host Information tab.
    On the Storage subtab, view the following:
    Table 1. Storage details for a single hostThe following table provides the storage information.
    Component Information
    Storage Displays the count of virtual disks, controllers, enclosures, and associated physical disks with the global hot spare and dedicated hot spare counts. When you select from the View drop-down list, the selected option is highlighted.
    View Displays the options that you want to view for this host:
    • Virtual Disks
    • Physical Disks
    • Controllers
    • Enclosures

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