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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Launching Administration Console

You can start OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter from within the VMware vCenter web client, and open the Administration Console from the Help and Support tab.


  1. In OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, in the Help and Support tab, under the Administration Console, click the link to the console.
  2. In the Administration Console login dialog box, use the administrator password to log in.
    You can perform the following operations in the Administration console:
    • Register or unregister a vCenter, modify credentials, or update a certificate.
    • Upload the license.
    • View summary about the number of vCenters registered and available, and about maximum host license that are in use and available.
    • Restart the virtual appliance.
    • Update or upgrade to the latest version.
    • Display network settings (read only mode).
    • Configure HTTP proxy settings that connects to the Dell server for appliance upgrade or for connectivity to http://downloads.dell.com/published/Pages/index.html.
    • Configure NTP settings, which allow you to enable or disable NTP server, and configure preferred and secondary NTP server.
    • Generate a certificate signing request (CSR), upload a certificate, or restore the default certificate for the HTTPS certificates.
    • Configure global settings on how alerts are stored for all vCenter instances. You can configure the maximum numbers of alerts to be stored, numbers of days to retain them, and time out for duplicate alerts.
    • Configure global settings on how alerts are stored for all vCenter instances.
    • Initiate backup, or restore.
    • Configure backup location to a network share and the encryption password for the backed-up files (along with test network connection).
    • Schedule a recurring backup.

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