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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Managing firmware update jobs


To view information in this page, run a firmware update job for a cluster. See Running the firmware update wizard for clusters.

About this task

The page displays all the firmware update jobs. In this page you can view, refresh, purge, or abort your firmware update jobs.


  1. From the OpenManage Integration, select Monitor > Job Queue > Firmware Updates.
  2. To display the most recent information, click the Refresh icon.
  3. View the status in the datagrid.
    The grid offers the following information about firmware update jobs:
    • Status

    • Scheduled Time

    • Name

    • Description

    • vCenter

    • Collection Size (number of servers on the firmware inventory job)

    • Progress Summary (progress details of the firmware update)

  4. To view more details about a particular job, in the data grid for a particular job, select a job.
    Here you can find the following details:
    • Host Name

    • Status

    • Start Time

    • End Time

  5. If you want to abort a scheduled firmware update that is not running, select the job you want to abort, and click Abort Job Queue.
    NOTE: If you abort a firmware update job that is already submitted to iDRAC, the firmware might still get updated on the host, but OMIVV reports the job as canceled.
  6. If you want to purge earlier firmware update jobs or scheduled firmware updates, click Purge Job Queue.
    The Purge Firmware Update Jobs dialog box is displayed. You can only purge jobs that are canceled, successful, or failed and cannot purge scheduled or active jobs.
  7. In the Purge Firmware Update Jobs dialog box, select Older than, and click Apply.
    The selected jobs are then cleared from the queue.

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