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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Resetting iDRAC

You can find the reset iDRAC link on the Help and Support tab. Resetting iDRAC performs a normal iDRAC reboot. The iDRAC reboot does not reboot the host. After you perform a reset, it takes up to 2 minutes to return to a usable state. Use reset in cases where the iDRAC is not responsive in the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter.

About this task

NOTE: Dell recommends that you place the host in maintenance mode before resetting iDRAC. You can apply the reset action on a host that is part of a connection profile and has been inventoried at least once. The reset action might not return the iDRAC to a usable state. In such a scenario, a hard reset is required. To learn more about a hard reset, see iDRAC documentation.

While iDRAC is rebooting, you might view the following:

  • A slight delay of communication error while the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter obtains its health status.
  • All open sessions with iDRAC close.
  • The DHCP address for iDRAC might change.

    If iDRAC uses DHCP for its IP address, there is a chance that the IP address changes. If the IP address changes, rerun the host inventory job to capture the new iDRAC IP address in the inventory data.


  1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, click the Help and Support tab.
  2. Under iDRAC Reset, click Reset iDRAC.
  3. In the iDRAC Reset dialog box, under iDRAC Reset, type the host IP address/name.
  4. To confirm that you understand the iDRAC reset process, select I understand iDRAC reset. Continue iDRAC reset.
  5. Click Reset iDRAC.

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