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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


DHCP server

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server provides network configuration parameters to DHCP clients on request. A DHCP server dynamically allocates four required IP parameters to each computer on the virtual local area network (VLAN) — the IP address, network mask, default gateway, and name server address. DHCP IP address allocation works on a client/server model where the server assigns the client reusable IP information from an address pool.

DHCP automates network-parameter assignment to network devices. Even in small networks, DHCP makes it easier to add new devices to the network. The DHCP access service provides a centralized, server-based setup to add clients to the network. This setup means you do not have to create and maintain IP address assignments to clients manually.

When you use DHCP to manage a pool of IP addresses among hosts, you reduce the number of IP addresses you need. DHCP manages the IP address pool by leasing an IP address to a host for a limited period, allowing the DHCP server to share a limited number of IP addresses. DHCP also provides a central database of devices that connects to the network and eliminates duplicate resource assignments.


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