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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


PIM terminology

Table 1. PIM terminologyThe following terms are used in this section:
Terminology Definition
Rendezvous point (RP)The RP is a single root node that the shared tree uses, called the rendezvous point.
(*, G)

(*, G) refers to an entry in the PIM table for a group.

(S, G)

(S, G) refers to an entry in the PIM table for a source and group on the RP tree (RPT).

(S, G, RPT)

(S, G, RPT) refers to an entry in the RP tree.

First hop router (FHR)

The FHR is the router that is directly connected to the multicast source.

Last hop router (LHR)

The LHR is the last router in the multicast path and is directly connected to the multicast receiver.

Intermediate router

A PIM router that is not an FHR, RP, or LHR.

Shared tree (RPT)

The RPT is an unidirectional multicast tree whose root node is the RP.

Shortest path tree (SPT)

The root node of the SPT is the multicast source. The multicast traffic routes to the receiver on the shortest path. This setup reduces network latency and traffic congestion at the RP.

Outgoing interface (OIF)

The OIF is the interface through which a multicast packet is sent out towards the receiver.

Incoming interface (IIF)

The IIF is the interface through which a multicast packet is received towards the source or the RP.

Reverse path forwarding (RPF)

The RPF is the path the router uses to reach the RP or the multicast source.


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