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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Accessing iDRAC interface over direct USB connection

The iDRAC direct feature allows you to directly connect your laptop to the iDRAC USB port. This feature allows you to interact directly with the iDRAC interfaces such as the web interface, RACADM, and WSMan for advanced server management and servicing.

For a list of supported browsers and operating systems, see the iDRAC Release Notes available at www.dell.com/idracmanuals.

NOTE If you are using Windows operating system, you may need to install an RNDIS driver to use this feature.

To access the iDRAC interface over the USB port:

  1. Turn off any wireless networks and disconnect from any other hard wired network.
  2. Ensure that the USB port is enabled. For more information, see Configuring USB management port settings.
  3. Wait for the laptop to acquire IP address It may take several seconds for the IP addresses to be acquired. iDRAC acquires the IP address
  4. Start using iDRAC network interfaces such as the web interface, RACADM, Redfish or WSMan.
    For example, to access the iDRAC web interface, open a supported browser, and type the address and press enter.
  5. When iDRAC is using the USB port, the LED blinks indicating activity. The blink frequency is four per second.
  6. After completing the desired actions, disconnect the USB cable from the system.
    The LED turns off.

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