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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Monitoring performance index of CPU, memory, and input output modules using web interface

To monitor the performance index of CPU, memory, and I/O modules, in the iDRAC web interface, go to System > Performance.
  • System Performance section — Displays the current reading and the warning reading for CPU, Memory and I/O utilization index, and system level CUPS index in a graphical view.
  • System Performance Historical Data section:
    • Provides the statistics for CPU, memory, IO utilization, and the system level CUPS index. If the host system is powered off, then the graph displays the power off line below 0 percent.
    • You can reset the peak utilization for a particular sensor. Click Reset Historical Peak. You must have Configure privilege to reset the peak value.
  • Performance Metrics section:
    • Displays status and present reading
    • Displays or specifies the warning threshold utilization limit. You must have server configure privilege to set the threshold values.

For information about the displayed properties, see the iDRAC Online Help.

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