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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

DHCP options

DHCPv4 allows many globally defined parameters to be passed to the DHCP clients. Each parameter is known as a DHCP option. Each option is identified with an option tag, which is a 1-byte value. Option tags 0 and 255 are reserved for padding and end of options, respectively. All other values are available for defining options.

The DHCP Option 43 is used to send information from the DHCP server to the DHCP client. The option is defined as a text string. This text string is set to contain the values of the SCP filename, share location and the credentials to access the location. For example,
option myname code 43 = text;
subnet netmask {
# default gateway
		option routers;
    option subnet-mask;
    option nis-domain  "domain.org";
    option domain-name "domain.org";
    option domain-name-servers;
    option time-offset -18000; #Eastern Standard Time
    option vendor-class-identifier "iDRAC";
    set vendor-string = option vendor-class-identifier;
    option myname "-f system_config.xml -i -u user -p password -n cifs -s 2 -d 0 -t 500"; 
where, -i is the location of the Remote File Share and –f is the file name in the string along with the credentials to the Remote File Share.

The DHCP Option 60 identifies and associates a DHCP client with a particular vendor. Any DHCP server configured to take action based on a client’s vendor ID should have Option 60 and Option 43 configured. With Dell PowerEdge servers, the iDRAC identifies itself with vendor ID: iDRAC. Therefore, you must add a new ‘Vendor Class’ and create a ‘scope option’ under it for ‘code 60,’ and then enable the new scope option for the DHCP server.

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