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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Downloading partition contents

You can download the contents of a vFlash partition in the .img or .iso format to the:
  • Managed system (where iDRAC is operated from)
  • Network location mapped to a management station.
Before downloading the partition contents, make sure that:
  • You have Access Virtual Media privileges.
  • The vFlash functionality is enabled.
  • An initialize operation is not being performed on the card.
  • For a read-write partition, it must not be attached.

To download the contents of the vFlash partition:

  1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Configuration > System Settings > Hardware Settings > vFlash > Download.
    The Download Partition page is displayed.
  2. From the Label drop-down menu, select a partition that you want to download and click Download.
    NOTE All existing partitions (except attached partitions) are displayed in the list. The first partition is selected by default.
  3. Specify the location to save the file.
    The contents of the selected partition are downloaded to the specified location.
    NOTE If only the folder location is specified, then the partition label is used as the file name, along with the extension .iso for CD and Hard Disk type partitions, and .img for Floppy and Hard Disk type partitions.

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