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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring enclosure using RACADM

To configure the enclosure or backplane, use the set command with the objects in BackplaneMode.

For example, to set the BackplaneMode attribute to split mode:

  1. Run the following command to view the current backplane mode:
    racadm get storage.enclosure.1.backplanecurrentmode
    The output is:
  2. Run the following command to view the requested mode:
    racadm get storage.enclosure.1.backplanerequestedmode
    The output is:
  3. Run the following command to set the requested backplane mode to split mode:
    racadm set storage.enclosure.1.backplanerequestedmode "splitmode"
    The message is displayed indicating that the command is successful.
  4. Run the following command to verify if the backplanerequestedmode attribute is set to split mode:
    racadm get storage.enclosure.1.backplanerequestedmode
    The output is:
    BackplaneRequestedMode=None (Pending=SplitMode)
  5. Run storage get controllers command and note down the controller instance ID.
  6. Run the following command to create a job:
    racadm jobqueue create <controller instance ID> -s TIME_NOW --realtime
    A job ID is returned.
  7. Run the following command to query the job status:
    racadm jobqueue view -i JID_xxxxxxxx

    where, JID_xxxxxxxx is the job ID from step 6.

    The status is displayed as Pending.

    Continue to query the job ID until you view the Completed status (this process may take up to three minutes).

  8. Run the following command to view the backplanerequestedmode attribute value:
    racadm get storage.enclosure.1.backplanerequestedmode
    The output is:
  9. Run the following command to cold reboot the server:
    racadm serveraction powercycle
  10. After the system completes POST and CSIOR, type the following command to verify the backplanerequestedmode:
    racadm get storage.enclosure.1.backplanerequestedmode
    The output is:
  11. Run the following to verify is the backplane mode is set to split mode:
    racadm get storage.enclosure.1.backplanecurrentmode
    The output is:
  12. Run the following command and verify that only 0–11 drives are displayed:
    racadm storage get pdisks
    For more information about the RACADM commands, see the iDRAC RACADM Command Line Interface Reference Guide available at dell.com/idracmanuals.

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