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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Organizing data storage for availability and performance

RAID provides different methods or RAID levels for organizing the disk storage. Some RAID levels maintain redundant data so that you can restore data after a disk failure. Different RAID levels also entail an increase or decrease in the I/O (read and write) performance of a system.

Maintaining redundant data requires the use of additional physical disks. The possibility of a disk failure increases with an increase in the number of disks. Since the differences in I/O performance and redundancy, one RAID level may be more appropriate than another based on the applications in the operating environment and the nature of the data being stored.

When choosing a RAID level, the following performance and cost considerations apply:

  • Availability or fault-tolerance — Availability or fault-tolerance refers to the ability of a system to maintain operations and provide access to data even when one of its components has failed. In RAID volumes, availability or fault-tolerance is achieved by maintaining redundant data. Redundant data includes mirrors (duplicate data) and parity information (reconstructing data using an algorithm).
  • Performance — Read and write performance can be increased or decreased depending on the RAID level you choose. Some RAID levels may be more appropriate for particular applications.
  • Cost efficiency — Maintaining the redundant data or parity information associated with RAID volumes requires additional disk space. In situations where the data is temporary, easily reproduced, or non-essential, the increased cost of data redundancy may not be justified.
  • Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) — Using additional disks to maintain data redundancy also increases the chance of disk failure at any given moment. Although this option cannot be avoided in situations where redundant data is a requirement, it does have implications on the workload of the system support staff within your organization.
  • Volume — Volume refers to a single disk non-RAID virtual disk. You can create volumes using external utilities like the O-ROM <Ctrl> <r>. Storage Management does not support the creation of volumes. However, you can view volumes and use drives from these volumes for creation of new virtual disks or Online Capacity Expansion (OCE) of existing virtual disks, provided free space is available.

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